
Chatbox is at the bottom of the page due to some technical glitch , unable to solve it thou. sry

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wondering sth

I have 1 paper left , which is accounts and it is 4 more days from now....
sedikit emo ....looking at people jumping into the air with relief and joy....while i still have to sit for accounts paper....haih

finished school an hour why i started to miss my classmates , my groupies and that person....aiks~
looks like theres no more chance for us to meet up again.....

Ah yes.....wondering if i should dye/highlight my hair..lulz....if i should...what colour should it be??

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Peaceful days~

spm is almost ova....ALMOST....
2 more papers left.... errr....prinsip perakaunan * i suck at it* and EST.
sorta can consider spm ova adi..~~ wakkakakak
gaming time!

Friday, November 14, 2008

One week down

2 more weeks to go , and im still so free chatting online and em i doin
spm was....ok....nt bad....the feeling was good....

found some pic , made me remind of sth plOx

Back to the oceans of emotions.